4 Stars: Clinical Basal Thermometer - BBT-113Ai by iProvèn - ACCURATE 1/100th Degree, Highly SENSITIVE, Perfect Companion for Family Planning

My husband and I are trying to conceive so the doctor asked me to start tracking my BBT (Basal Body Temperature). This thermometer from iProven reads to the hundreds of a degree (out to 2 decimal points). This thermometer worked great for me. It takes a little longer than a regular thermometer (about 2 minutes as compared to 1 minute) but this is so that here is a more accurate reading. Another reviewer complained that it took a long time, but the company mentions that and the reasoning in the listing. The thermometer comes with a case. The one thing I would change is to make the screen back-lit. To get the most accurate reading, you are supposed take your temperature before getting out of bed. This means its dark in my room when I take my temp. It makes it very difficult to read the thermometer without the back light. It does remember the last temperature taken so I can come back later and record the temp when I have the light on. I received this produc...